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Blog has been closed

>>Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hi all,
I've discontinued my blog and no longer own the domain. I do have this blog and will leave it up for reference.

Sorry for anyone linking, I thought I had the domain longer than I did.

I might reopen another blog, under another name, and will let you all know.


In My Mailbox #28

Welcome to another edition of In My Mailbox hosted by The Story Siren! I went shopping yesterday and that always means I come home with a book or two or five. I am in the mood for some science fiction and I can't go wrong with these authors!


Bellwether by Connie Willis
Willis is one of my favourite scifi writers so I naturally picked one by her!

From Goodreads:
Pop culture, chaos theory and matters of the heart collide in this unique novella from the Hugo and Nebula winning author of Doomsday Book.
Sandra Foster studies fads and their meanings for the HiTek corporation. Bennet O'Reilly works with monkey group behavior and chaos theory for the same company. When the two are thrust together due to a misdelivered package and a run of seemingly bad luck, they find a joint project in a flock of sheep. But series of setbacks and disappointments arise before they are able to find answers to their questions.

Steal Across the Sky by Nancy Kress
Another author I enjoy, I have a review coming up later today of her latest novel!

From Goodreads:
The aliens appeared one day, built a base on the moon, and put an ad on the internet:

“We are an alien race you may call the Atoners. Ten thousand years ago we wronged humanity profoundly. We cannot undo what has been done, but we wish humanity to understand it. Therefore we request twenty-one volunteers to visit seven planets to Witness for us. We will convey each volunteer there and back in complete safety. Volunteers must speak English. Send requests for electronic applications to witness@Atoners.com."

At first, everyone thought it was a joke. But it wasn’t.

This is the story of three of those volunteers, and what they found on Kular A and Kular B.

Waiting on Wednesday: Banner of the Damned by Sherwood Smith

>>Thursday, March 29, 2012

Welcome back to another installment of Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Breaking the Spine. Sorry for the late post! Here's a new release from Smith, the author of Crown Duel which I read and loved. Love the cover for this one as well!

Banner of the Damned by Sherwood Smith
Publication Date: April 3rd, 2012
Publisher: DAW

From Goodreads:
Princess Lasva is about to be named heir to her childless sister, the queen. But, when the queen finally bears an heir, Lasva's future is shattered. Grief-stricken, she leaves her country of Colend and falls into the arms of Prince Ivandred of Marloven Hesea. His people are utterly different-with their expertise in riding, weaponry, and magic- and the two soon marry.

When the sensational news makes its way to Lasva's sister, the queen worries for Lasva at the hands of the Marlovens, whose king's mage is in league with the magical land of Norsunder-considered by Colendi to be their enemy. The queen orders Emras, a scribe, to guard Lasva. But it may be too late-Lasva is already deeply involved with the Marlovens and their magic. War wages on, and all are forced to redefine love, loyalty, and power...

Attention GFC Followers!

>>Monday, March 26, 2012

Hey everyone! Recently Google Friend Connect has gone Blogger-only which doesn't make much difference for me since this is a Blogger blog. However, I think it's only a matter of time before Google eliminates GFC entirely.

Also, I'm going to be switching over to Wordpress sometime in the near future and I don't want you awesome followers to lose your feed. I'm asking you to please change the way you follow to my Feedburner RSS feed. It's super easy:

1. Click on my feed link here.
2. Under "Subscribe Now" chose the way you prefer to read my posts.
3. If it's Google Reader, click the Google button and then select "Add to Google Reader."

I'll be making another announcement when I finally switch over to to Wordpress, but I thought I'd give you guys plenty of time to switch over.


Review: Wide Open by Deborah Coates

>>Saturday, March 24, 2012

Title: Wide Open
Author: Deborah Coates
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 304
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Mystery
Publication Date: March 13th, 2012
Publisher: Tor Books
Rating: 8.5

From Goodreads: When Sergeant Hallie Michaels comes back to South Dakota from Afghanistan on ten days' compassionate leave, her sister Dell's ghost is waiting at the airport to greet her.

The sheriff says that Dell's death was suicide, but Hallie doesn't believe it. Something happened or Dell's ghost wouldn't still be hanging around. Friends and family, mourning Dell's loss, think Hallie's letting her grief interfere with her judgment.

The one person who seems willing to listen is the deputy sheriff, Boyd Davies, who shows up everywhere and helps when he doesn't have to.

As Hallie asks more questions, she attracts new ghosts, women who disappeared without a trace. Soon, someone's trying to beat her up, burn down her father's ranch, and stop her investigation.

Hallie's going to need Boyd, her friends, and all the ghosts she can find to defeat an enemy who has an unimaginable ancient power at his command.


Guest Post: I Don't Call It Rural Fantasy by Deborah Coates

I'd like to welcome Deborah Coates, author of Wide Open a new paranormal/fantasy novel released this month. Later today you'll get my review of Wide Open, so stay tuned!

I Don't Call It Rural Fantasy

by Deborah Coates

Which is...odd?  I guess?

In the best of all possible worlds, rural fantasy would be the underpopulated equivalent of urban fantasy.   But one of the things I write about are the parts of rural life that don't get touched on much.  Not transplanted New Yorkers or cottages by rivers or mountain folk who live up the hollow.  Those are all fine things to write about, but there's a lot more going on in the rural parts of this country (and I'm pretty certain in the rural parts of lots of other countries) and rural fantasy as a phrase doesn't feel to me as if it describes those other aspects of rural life.

I write about ranchers and farmers, about people who can't get jobs because there aren't any jobs to get, about tractors and ATVs and pickup trucks, about shotguns and hay balers and bison and cattle.  I write about flyover country, about the parts of the USA that people think they know but generally don't.


Waiting on Wednesday: The Last Princess by Galaxy Craze

>>Thursday, March 22, 2012

Welcome back to another installment of Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Breaking the Spine.

The Last Princess by Galaxy Craze
Publication Date: May 1st, 2012
Publisher: Little, Brown

From Goodreads:
Happily ever after is a thing of the past.
A series of natural disasters has decimated the earth. Cut off from the rest of the world, England is a dark place. The sun rarely shines, food is scarce, and groups of criminals roam the woods, searching for prey. The people are growing restless.
When a ruthless revolutionary sets out to overthrow the crown, he makes the royal family his first target. Blood is shed in Buckingham Palace, and only sixteen-year-old Princess Eliza manages to escape.
Determined to kill the man who destroyed her family, Eliza joins the enemy forces in disguise. She has nothing left to live for but revenge, until she meets someone who helps her remember how to hope--and to love--once more. Now she must risk everything to ensure that she not become... The Last Princess.


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